¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ Loading ChUB Annihilation
Fact of the day: 'Stewradesses' is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
Last loaded on: ">12/14/2004
Time: ">9:06:27 PM.
Annihilation 1.4  hosted by Zeno [4x] Joining: ON!/b>
Ferio has been removed from the game. (/random to rejoin)
Zeno randomly selects Shadow.
Zeno becomes the mysterious ninja, Shadow. [/kills for record.]
Zeno has been removed from the game. (/random to rejoin)
Fujin has been removed from the game. (/random to rejoin)
Ryu (as in SFA III) has been removed from the game. (/random to rejoin)
Selection closed -- You can't pick any more characters.
•(_.·´¯)• Annihilation 1.4  (Battle #3)
Current Dataset: Fierce Battle v1.07/i>
">Magus---Magus---Team A 0k/0d Ready---Talisman of Yin---No Weapon (NPC)
">Fujin---Fujin---Team B 0k/0d Ready---Talisman of Protection---No Weapon (NPC)
">Paladin Cecil---Paladin Cecil---Team C 0k/0d Ready---Revenge Talisman---No Weapon (NPC)
">Ferio---Ferio---Team D 0k/0d Ready---Web Talisman---No Weapon (NPC)
">Pikachu---Pikachu---Team E 0k/0d Ready---The Surge Talisman---No Weapon (NPC)
">MegaManX---MegaManX---Team F 0k/0d Ready---Deep Aqua Mirror---No Weapon (NPC)
">Spriggan-DEATH---Spriggan-DEATH---Team G 0k/0d Ready---Holy Grail---No Weapon (NPC)
">Reis---Reis---Team H 0k/0d Ready---Talisman of Reflection---No Weapon (NPC)
">Cloud Strife---Cloud Strife---Team I 0k/0d Ready---Talisman of Darkness---No Weapon (NPC
<~>Type /talisman to see which one you have equiped.
">Level Four Supers Activated!
Fujin - ELLONE....WHERE?
Paladin Cecil's gauntlet begins to glow brightly.
Ferio dashes at Spriggan-DEATH.
Pikachu is beginning to shock wildly...
MegaManX starts pulling in energy...
Spriggan-DEATH's raises his arms as he begins to fade away.
Reis sighs, looking at Reis.
Cloud Strife pulls his blade back.
">Fujin (Fujin): (600h/4s/0c)    
Fujin holds the Zan up as green energy emits from it.
Ferio cuts Spriggan-DEATH open with the Falchion. [123]
Cloud Strife's attack isn't very effective against Fujin...
MegaManX teleports out of the way and laughs!
Magus [22], Paladin Cecil [3], Spriggan-DEATH [16], and Reis [26] is scooped up and thrown back to the ground.
- [16]
Cloud Strife summons a cyclone from his blade. [16 avg, 67 tot]
">Ferio (Ferio): (496h/162s/128c) 
">Cloud Strife (Cloud Strife): (504h/85s/92c) 
Ferio swings the Falchion over his head.
Cloud Strife pulls his blade back.
While Reis is off guard, Reis attacks with electric breath! [55]
">Reis (Reis): (451h/145s/55c)    
Reis beams with joy.
">Cloud Strife (Cloud Strife): (280h/258s/134c) 
Cloud Strife - You can't take me!
MegaManX releases the stored energy at his opponents. [78 avg, 629 tot]
MegaManX has been turned into a stone statue!
The earth breaks and forms over the arena, encasing everyone but Spriggan-DEATH in a prison of stone. [68 avg,
- 548 tot]
">MegaManX (MegaManX): (549h/108s/629c)      
">Spriggan-DEATH (Spriggan-DEATH): (152h/420s/1121c) 
Spriggan-DEATH's body melts away.
Fujin looks at Spriggan-DEATH through her unpatched eye. 'FOOLISH.'
Fujin looks at Cloud Strife through her unpatched eye. 'FOOLISH.'
A massive twister forms, picking up Fujin's enemies and slamming them into the ground. [132 avg, 792 tot]
Spriggan-DEATH fades away slowly, screams of agony echo throughout the arena.
Kyle says, 'Oh my God! They killed Spriggan-DEATH! YOU BASTARDS! (-27)
Cloud Strife falls from the force of the attack.
Cloud Strife has been defeated. (-224)
MegaManX ducks as Ferio slashes at them.
">Fujin (Fujin): (427h/338s/1405c)    
">!!! Ferio (Ferio): (41h/479s/70c) 
Fujin - ELLONE....WHERE?
Ferio pulls back the Falchion. (fatality)
Magus is no longer a stone statue!
Pikachu is no longer a stone statue!
Magus creates a magic wall...
Pikachu raises his tiny paws into the air, calling to the heavens... (fatality)
">Paladin Cecil (Paladin Cecil): (480h/118s/0c)   
Paladin Cecil's sword glows with holy energy! (fatality)
The dragon breathes flame, burning Ferio to a crisp!
Ferio's eyes bulge as the killing blow is struck.
FATALITY!!!! Again?
Reis looks at her fallen opponent with curious eyes.
Fujin finds it difficult to do a fatality on someone who is already dead.
Paladin Cecil finds it difficult to do a fatality on someone who is already dead.
Pikachu finds it difficult to do a fatality on someone who is already dead.
">Fujin (Fujin): (431h/355s/1328c)    
">Paladin Cecil (Paladin Cecil): (480h/124s/0c)   
Fujin spins the Zan into the air at Reis. (fatality)
Paladin Cecil's sword glows with holy energy! (fatality)
Reis's eyes turn slightly red.
">Pikachu (Pikachu): (338h/223s/0c) 
Pikachu is beginning to shock wildly...
Fujin is hit by a bolt of electricity! [36]
Fujin starts moving much slower.
">Pikachu (Pikachu): (338h/256s/86c) 
Pikachu raises his tiny paws into the air, calling to the heavens... (fatality)
Paladin Cecil stabs it into Reis, reducing them to dust!
Reis falls, making her attacker feel almost sad.
FATALITY!!!! Again?
Paladin Cecil sheathes his blade and looks away.
Pikachu finds it difficult to do a fatality on someone who is already dead.
MegaManX finds it difficult to do a fatality on someone who is already dead.
Magus finds it difficult to do a fatality on someone who is already dead.
Fujin finds it difficult to do a fatality on someone who is already dead.
">Pikachu (Pikachu): (338h/259s/72c) 
">MegaManX (MegaManX): (510h/171s/482c)    
">Magus (Magus): (385h/202s/0c)    
">Fujin (Fujin): (398h/394s/1265c)     
Magus pulls his cape over his face.
Fujin holds the Zan up as green energy emits from it.
Paladin Cecil weilds the crystal blade, Ragnarok.
Pikachu - Pika, Pika, Pikachu!!!
MegaManX floats into the air drawing power into his chest...
Paladin Cecil slashes at Magus with the huge blade. [84]
">Paladin Cecil (Paladin Cecil): (345h/294s/84c) 
Paladin Cecil's gauntlet glows with holy energy.
Magus summons a huge burning wave to sear his enemies' flesh. [122 avg, 490 tot]
">Magus (Magus): (152h/453s/690c) 
Magus creates a magic wall...
Fujin looks at Magus through her unpatched eye. 'FOOLISH.'
Paladin Cecil gets off one final revenge attack at Fujin! [312]
Fujin looks at Paladin Cecil through her unpatched eye. 'FOOLISH.'
Fujin looks at Pikachu through her unpatched eye. 'FOOLISH.'
A massive twister forms, picking up Fujin's enemies and slamming them into the ground. [222 avg, 888 tot]
Magus fainted.
Death slaps a tag on Magus reading "KAPUT". (-4)
Paladin Cecil falls, holding his sword to his chest.
Kyle says, 'Oh my God! They killed Paladin Cecil! YOU BASTARDS! (-207)
Pikachu, the greatest pokemon, has sadly passed away.
Death slaps a tag on Pikachu reading "KAPUT". (-64)
">!!! Fujin (Fujin): (2h/614s/2090c)     
Fujin waves her hand at MegaManX.