You have just entered room "ChUB."
Therightimageltd: /APhoenix
DuellistSoul: Uh
: It's not running.
Sony Master
: No really? Its hard running up and downs stairs, while trying to answer the phone. :P
Sony Master: ¯º°·­.­·°º¯ Annihilation 1.4 now loading.
ldleworker: Hi everyone
DuellistSoul: lmao
: Hi.
Sony Master
: Fact of the day: 'Stewradesses' is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand.
ldleworker: Has anyone here seen Reservior Dogs?
DuellistSoul: *shakes*
Sony Master
: Last loaded on: 2/27/2004
Sony Master: Time: 6:01:40 PM
DuellistSoul: Why do you ask?
: Cuz I'm making Mr. Blonde from the movie as a character.
Sony Master: Annihilation 1.4 hosted by Sony Master [17x] Joining:
Sony Master: -ON!
DuellistSoul: Ah.
Sony Master
: Try chars
: WTF are you on, "Holy Shit"?
: /nooj
: I've just been compared to Chris Klein on one of those multiple-choice questionnaires.
: Who?
: /mario
ldleworker: /link
Sony Master: /kills
DuellistSoul: /version
Sony Master
: ¯°º·­.­·º°¯ Annihilation 1.4 Registered - Dataset: New Chibot Ultra Battle (938 chars+)Damn thing
Sony Master: Hmm
Sony Master: /kills
DuellistSoul: /workyouPOS
Sony Master
: Selection closed -- You can't pick any more characters.
Sony Master: •(_.·´¯)• Annihilation 1.4 (Battle #37)
Sony Master: Current Dataset: New Chibot Ultra Battle (938 chars+)
Sony Master: -isman of Wonders---No Weapon (NPC)
Sony Master: Luna---Luna---Team B 0k/0d Ready---Unknown Talisman---No Weapon (NPC)
Sony Master: Type /talisman to see which one you have equiped.
Sony Master: ~> The battle is finished... please wait
Sony Master: >>> Game Aborted By Host
Sony Master: Selection open -- Do not pick another character.
Sony Master: Selection closed -- You can't pick any more characters.
Sony Master: Selection open -- Pick your character. (ex. /random)
Therightimageltd: /phoenix
: /nooj
: /mario
DuellistSoul: /version
Sony Master
: /version
Sony Master: Grr
Sony Master: /kills
Sony Master: Chibot Ultra Battle Now Exiting. All you hosers go away. {S Chibot}
Sony Master: By: NeoKamek & Noah K 17 < a href="">Download!
DuellistSoul: lol
: Hosers x.x
Sony Master
: ¯º°·­.­·°º¯ Annihilation 1.4 now loading.
Sony Master: Fact of the day: There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
Sony Master: Last loaded on: 2/27/2004
Sony Master: Time: 7:53:35 PM
Therightimageltd: /die
: lol
Sony Master
: Annihilation 1.4 hosted by Sony Master [18x] Joining:
Sony Master: -ON!
DuellistSoul: /version
Sony Master
: •(_.·´¯)• Annihilation 1.4 Registered - Dataset: New Chibot Ultra Battle (938 chars+)
Sony Master: /kills
DuellistSoul: /random
Sony Master
: DuellistSoul randomly selects Earthworm Jim.
Sony Master: A super suit falls and DuellistSoul becomes Earthworm Jim! (Jim) [/kills for record.]
DuellistSoul: /oops
: Random works.
Sony Master
: DuellistSoul wusses out after seeing the competition.
Sony Master: /vegeta
Sony Master: Sony Master becomes the Saiya-Jin prince, Vegeta! [/kills for record.]
Sony Master: /oops
DuellistSoul: /nooj
Sony Master
: Sony Master wusses out after seeing the competition.
Sony Master: DuellistSoul's hair flies out backwards, and he gains a limp and a crutch. [/kills for record.]
Sony Master: Wewt
DuellistSoul: ]/? nooj
: Pleh...
: /? nooj
Sony Master
: Name: Nooj Short: Nooj
Sony Master: PhysStr: 70 MagStr: 60 PhysDef: 50 MagDef: 40
Sony Master: Nooj is the leader of the Youth League... duh!
Sony Master: Nooj: (/chaos) (/heal)h (/trigger)* (/tempest) (/storm) (/neck) (/crutch)fatality
RebirthSephiroth: /~reseph
RebirthSephiroth: /~rseph
Sony Master: In a brilliant flash, RebirthSephiroth appears as Rebirth Sephiroth! [/kills for record.]
RebirthSephiroth: /kills
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth: 13 kills and 3 deaths.
RebirthSephiroth: *flex*
DuellistSoul: /kills
Sony Master
: DuellistSoul: 0 kills and 1 deaths.
DuellistSoul: :P
: Ok peeps, choose up
ldleworker: /link
Sony Master: ldleworker walks in as the hero of the Zelda series, Link! [/kills for record.]
ldleworker: /moves link
Sony Master: Link: (/sword)* (/boomerang)* (/bomb) (/barriers) (/bow)* (/hammer) (/fairy)h (/fire) (/critical combo)
Sony Master: --> (/shield) (/master sword)fatality
DuellistSoul: /equip
Sony Master
: DuellistSoul closes their eyes and grabs a Talisman. No one knows what they got....
DuellistSoul: /equip
: /light
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth's Cheese Meter seems to have dissapeared!
ldleworker: /rage
Sony Master: ldleworker feels the rage of his ancestors flow through them.
DuellistSoul: *forgets the weapon command*
: /masamune
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth equips Sephiroth's mighty blade, the Masamune!
Therightimageltd: /flame
: /weapon
: /weapon
ldleworker: /masamune
Sony Master: ldleworker equips Sephiroth's mighty blade, the Masamune!
ldleworker: /moves masamune
Sony Master: Please do not do /moves to get a weapon's move. Use /? instead.
Therightimageltd: /weapon
: /? masamune
Sony Master: Masamune is a 7' long, slightly curved sword.
Sony Master: Masamune: (/crescent)*!# (/mhaste)
Sony Master: Key: ! = Requires a charge # = Instantly Hits
DuellistSoul: /aeon
: ... That was there before.
: /? aeon
Sony Master
: Character/Talisman/Move/Weapon not found. Type /?-help for assistance.
ldleworker: teams?
DuellistSoul: /masamune
Sony Master
: DuellistSoul equips Sephiroth's mighty blade, the Masamune!
DuellistSoul: If you say so.
: Who vs who?
DuellistSoul: ... I wanna be with Zeno.
: <.<
RebirthSephiroth: Ok then
RebirthSephiroth: Me and Duellist vs other two
RebirthSephiroth: Sony Master isn't playing
RebirthSephiroth: Just hosting
DuellistSoul: /? masamune
Sony Master
: Masamune is a 7' long, slightly curved sword.
Sony Master: Masamune: (/crescent)*!# (/mhaste)
Sony Master: Key: ! = Requires a charge # = Instantly Hits
Sony Master: Selection closed -- You can't pick any more characters.
Sony Master: Selection open -- Pick your character. (ex. /random)
Sony Master: Selection closed -- You can't pick any more characters.
Sony Master: Selection open -- Pick your character. (ex. /random)
ldleworker: /link
Sony Master: Mono didn't select a char
DuellistSoul: Did you upload his?
Sony Master
: Yes
Sony Master: /version
Sony Master: •(_.·´¯)• Annihilation 1.4 Registered - Dataset: New Chibot Ultra Battle (938 chars+)
DuellistSoul: /? Aphoenix
Sony Master
: Name: ASTRAL Phoenix Short: Astral Phoenix
Sony Master: PhysStr: 35 MagStr: 50 PhysDef: 75 MagDef: 60
Sony Master: Upgraded phoenix character.
Therightimageltd: /APhoenix
: See???
Sony Master
: ASTRAL Phoenix: (/fj) (/atk) (/fj)fatality
Therightimageltd: OK
: Better
: Wasn't doing that before
: Ok.
: /link
Therightimageltd: /talisman
Sony Master
: Therightimageltd, you have no Talisman. Type /equip to choose one.
ldleworker: /reage
Sony Master: Selection closed -- You can't pick any more characters.
Sony Master: •(_.·´¯)• Annihilation 1.4 (Battle #38)
Sony Master: DuellistSoul---Nooj---Team 0 0k/0d Ready---Garnet Orb---Masamune
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth---Rebirth Sephiroth---Team 0 0k/0d Ready---Light Talisman---MasamuneCurrent Dataset: New Chibot Ultra Battle (938 chars+)
Sony Master: ldleworker---Link---Team 2 0k/0d Ready---Talisman of Rage---Masamune
Sony Master: Type /talisman to see which one you have equiped.Therightimageltd---ASTRAL Phoenix---Team 2 0k/0d Ready---No Talisman---No Weapon
DuellistSoul: /talisman
Sony Master
: /fours
Sony Master: DuellistSoul, you have the Garnet Orb equipped.
Sony Master: Level Four Supers Activated!
Sony Master: Level Five Supers Activated by Sony Master!
DuellistSoul: /? garnet orb
Sony Master
: Garnet Orb: Permanent Haste.
Therightimageltd: /equip
Sony Master
: Therightimageltd, you randomly select a Talisman. It may be good or bad. Type /talisman to see what you got.
Therightimageltd: /talisman
Sony Master
: Therightimageltd, you have the The Karma Talisman equipped.
DuellistSoul: /? karma
Sony Master
: Karma: When attacking, Karma Talisman either nullifies foes Life3, casts curse, or gives them your poison.
Therightimageltd: /? kerma
Sony Master
: Character/Talisman/Move/Weapon not found. Type /?-help for assistance.
Sony Master: Ready?
DuellistSoul: Kerma lol
: Yes.
: :D
: Whoops
: Wonder why it didn't work...
Sony Master
: --==>> Let it begin
Therightimageltd: Go for it!
: /neck
Sony Master
: Lightning arcs overhead...
Therightimageltd: /fj
Sony Master
: Therightimageltd focuses...
RebirthSephiroth: /wall
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth equips the Barrier Materia...
Sony Master: DuellistSoul appears suddenly, and smacks Therightimageltd in the neck with his crutch! [132]
Sony Master: DuellistSoul (Nooj): (600h/106s/132c)
Therightimageltd: :P
: /bomb
DuellistSoul: /trigger
Sony Master
: Therightimageltd fires it off at everyone!
Sony Master: It missed!!! This...cannot...beeee!!!
Sony Master: Therightimageltd heals. [0 avg, 0 tot]
Sony Master: Therightimageltd (ASTRAL Phoenix): (469h/113s/100c)
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth cast Wall on himself.
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth (Rebirth Sephiroth): (600h/27s/0c) 100> 100
RebirthSephiroth: /dmasa
Sony Master: -> > ldleworker gets out a bomb.
Sony Master: DuellistSoul lifts up his crutch and takes aim at ldleworker...
Therightimageltd: /atk
: /att
Sony Master: DuellistSoul releases a burst of 25 rounds at ldleworker! [57]
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth's Masamune charges up with dark energy...
Sony Master: DuellistSoul (Nooj): (600h/165s/91c)
Sony Master: ldleworker throws the bomb at RebirthSephiroth. [3]
DuellistSoul: /tempest
Sony Master
: ldleworker (Link): (544h/83s/16c)
ldleworker: /block
Sony Master: Therightimageltd prepares an attack.
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth, you can't do a move while you are doing Dark Masamune.
Sony Master: ldleworker is blinded!
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth swings the Masamune and ldleworker [429], Ther and Therightimageltd [186] gets hit by dark en
Sony Master: -ergy. [307]
Sony Master: A wave of dark energy obliterates ldleworker's team. [307 avg, 615 tot]
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth (Rebirth Sephiroth): (600h/258s/665c) 100> 99
ldleworker: /stop
Sony Master: -/b> >
RebirthSephiroth: /att
ldleworker: /rest
Sony Master: Therightimageltd heals.
Sony Master: Therightimageltd slices DuellistSoul.
Sony Master: Therightimageltd (ASTRAL Phoenix): (287h/273s/0c)
Sony Master: DuellistSoul bows his head and begins to glow a violent red colour...
Sony Master: ldleworker blocks with his shield. [Nobody]
Therightimageltd: :p
: All my attacks just heal me
Sony Master
: RebirthSephiroth's defense has been weakened! (Now is the time to attack!)
Sony Master: Therightimageltd's defense has been weakened! (Now is the time to attack!)
Sony Master: ldleworker goes into a rage....
DuellistSoul: lol...
: /heal
Sony Master
: Crimson Spheres rain from the skies, decimating everything in the area! [71 avg, 213 tot]
DuellistSoul: /heal
Sony Master
: ldleworker can see clearly again.
ldleworker: /status
Sony Master: DuellistSoul (Nooj): (600h/252s/192c)
Sony Master: !!! ldleworker (Link): (45h/470s/0c)
Sony Master: A cold wind blows through the arena...
Sony Master: ldleworker rests at the Kakariko Village Inn.
RebirthSephiroth: /att
Sony Master: ldleworker (Link): (84h/475s/0c)
DuellistSoul: /crutch
: /mhaste
Therightimageltd: Maybe I should'lve left the HealMsg blank....
Sony Master
: RebirthSephiroth appears behind ldleworker and cuts him in the back. [216]
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth - 'You were a fool to think you could destroy me'
Sony Master: ldleworker's defense has been weakened! (Now is the time to attack!)
Sony Master: ldleworker's Masamune falls to the ground. (/wget-masamune)
Sony Master: Death slaps a tag on ldleworker reading "KAPUT". (-132)
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth's defense is raised back to what it was!
ldleworker: bleh
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth (Rebirth Sephiroth): (571h/470s/226c) 100> 61
Sony Master: -/b> >
Sony Master: Therightimageltd's defense is raised back to what it was!
DuellistSoul: You need to select the damage type
: /4 masa
Sony Master: DuellistSoul begins to glow...
Sony Master: DEAD ldleworker (Link): (-132h/627s/0c) [DECEASED | weak ]
Sony Master: Attacking ldleworker: Nobody
Therightimageltd: /quit
Sony Master
: A spirit of life enters DuellistSoul's body.
Sony Master: DuellistSoul glows brightly. [0]
Sony Master: A cold wind blows through the arena...
Sony Master: DuellistSoul (Nooj): (600h/289s/31c)
DuellistSoul: /trigger
Sony Master
: RebirthSephiroth appears behind Therightimageltd and cuts him in the back. [195]
Sony Master: Therightimageltd's defense has been weakened! (Now is the time to attack!)
Sony Master: Lev4/Therightimageltd: RebirthSephiroth's Masamune glows with power...
Therightimageltd: /fj
: Oh this will hurt. :-P
Sony Master: DuellistSoul lifts up his crutch and takes aim at Therightimageltd...
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth brings his sword down hard on Therightimageltd! [730]
Sony Master: ===>>> 307-HIT SUPER MASAMUNE!
RebirthSephiroth: Rofl
Sony Master: Goes ARGH! and fall face-down.
Sony Master: Death slaps a tag on Therightimageltd reading "KAPUT". (-708)
Sony Master: ~> The battle is finished... please wait
Sony Master: >>> ^ 0^ (DuellistSoul, RebirthSephiroth) wins the match!
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth (119 points) got one kill!
Sony Master: RebirthSephiroth - 'You were a fool to think you could destroy me'
DuellistSoul: 307 hit....
: Now
: I need to sort out that char
has left the room.
Shockwave268 has entered the room.
DuellistSoul: And so he goes
: Heya
Shockwave268: sup