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 Post subject: An RP in another world
PostPosted: March 11th, 2007, 10:15 pm 
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[Roleplay-OOC] You: 'The following does not take place in the IY world. (I find it hard to play and rp in the same world at the same time)'

[Roleplay] A young girl, 6-8, cloaked in a robe of black, loosly fit with a hood that didn't blow off, was playing in a forest. It was almost impossible to see her face but she ran around and chatted with someone unseen. She was giggling, and she stopped at a tree and looked up. She spoke, laughed (as only a young child can), and continued to run around giggling and talking.

[Roleplay] An acorn fell from a nearby tree; the girl smiled and picked it up. She said something, almost a whisper, and held the acorn up. A squirrel jumped to a branch right next to the acorn and took it, the girl said something else then jumped over to a spot where there was only dirt. She knelt down.

[Roleplay] Kagomaru awoke from his slumber... He got to his feet, and headed towards the nearby stream to wash... It was as relaxing as the day was hot... He uncovered his body, it was clear battle had marked him, he had slashes and all sort of other scars on his chest arms and back...

[Roleplay] These where the days that made Kagomaru truly happy, the days when he didn't have to fight to drown his thoughts... he despised killing, though it seemed death chose him to reap it's dark harvest...

[Roleplay] The young girl poked a finger from the sleeve of her cloak and started to draw in the dirt.

[Roleplay] Kagomaru got out of the stream, dried himself and started walking, he thought about his she hated to see people hurt, how her smile could cheer him up no matter what... He didn't notice that a tear rolled own his check... Those where painful memories... She was gone and he didn't know where she was... the thought saddened him... he spotted a little girl in the road. Though he was in his human form and disguised his jaki could still hurt the child... with a bit of focus he annihilated his jaki and walked up towards the child.

[Roleplay] The girl continued her play in the dirt, she appear to not notice anything around her. A bird flew from one tree to another, over the dirt area.

[Roleplay] He got closer, the girl seemed to be focsed on reminded him of when he and his beloved walked in the gardens of the palace so long ago...nothing seemed to be able to brake that tranquility...he walked up to the girl.

[Roleplay] The young girl jumped to her feet, in doing so erased her markings. Her face was almost completely shadowed by the hood, but where her face could be assumed was looking straight at you.

[Roleplay] Kagomaru stopped in front of her. "This isn't a place young girls should play in. You should head back to your village, your parents must be worried"

[Roleplay] The short figure stood there, unmoving, almost as if you weren't there, but if you weren't there to her why had she gotten up so suddenly?

[Roleplay] A twig snapped behind Kagomaru *thinking to himself*"...dammit this place stinks of bandits... I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't even notice it..." A bandit charged him from behind, but Kagomaru evaded his attack. He got in front of the girl and unsheathed his sword. *in a low voice*" shall die this day, fool..."

[Roleplay] The figure didn't flinch, but as the stranger stepped closer she stepped back the same distance. In her head she smirked, but it was not shown on her face-- not that her face was visible.

[Roleplay] The bandit jumped back as he was joined by several of his comrads. One of the bandits stepped forward and said "We've been hired by the nearby village to kill a demon that's been attacking villagers. "Takeing a deep breath Kagomaru noticed that her scent wasn't that of a human, but a half-breed. Pointing his katana towards the leader of the bandits he asked, "She is no youkai you fools, she's a hanyou... and she's too small to cause any trouble. Leave now and keep your lives, I'm in no mood to fight wrenches like you...". Then Kagomaru turned towards the child." *in a low voice* did you really attack the villagers?" Kagomaru sniffed the air once more...The scent wasn't comeing from the was a stench of death, and a mix of blood that came from nearby, behind the bandits.

[Roleplay] With almost a whisper... as hard to heard as a soft breeze, the girl spoke, 'hmm'. She still stood still and the sound could have easily been missed or assumed not real.

[Roleplay] Kagomaru thought he heard something from the girl behind him...though he was focused on the bandits now..."We're under orders, now stand aside or die!" he grinned at the bandit's bold statement, then quickly rushed towards one of them, turning and stabbing the bandit with his sword while facing the girl. The other bandits quickly retreated in fear and amazement." Get them!!!" The leader shouted and more bandits jumped from the nearby trees and bushes.

[Roleplay] The girl had vanished before Kagomaru had turned around.

[Roleplay] Kagomaru turned towards the rest of the bandits... "leave this place now...", the turned away and sheathed his sword... The bandits while in awe of the stranger's reaction, took head in his words and slowly started retreating... Kagomaru turned towards the girl once more, "Are you alright?"

[Roleplay] The girl quickly danced though the forest, talking in her whisper she made good time until she stopped at a cave. She muttered something, waited, then nodded and entered the cave.

[Roleplay] The girl had vanished ... Kagomaru shook his head and kept going... he stopped by a lake under the shade of a tree and started making a fire...

[Roleplay] He started looking around for something to eat... The guttering noise of a boar soon caught his attention... He slowly approached his pray and with lightning-fast speed brought it down with a stab to the neck... He took the body back to camp where the started roasting it... It was a small boar but it was more then enough for his needs...he laid back against the tree looking at the calm of the water and how it reflected the sky and clouds...

[Roleplay] The girl entered the cave, walked slowly to the back and said "Hello?" softly but heard. She heard a low growl and crawled forward, sat, and curled up in a ball. The growl must have been the reply she had stopped for.

[Roleplay] He was thinking of the time he spent with his beloved in this world... Soon a song she used to sing came to mind, and he found himself humming it..."hmmmm mmm mhmmm hmmm hmm hmm hm hmmm hmmm..."

[Roleplay] The girl had snuggled against something soft, and fuzzy. She sighed, content.

[Roleplay-OOC] You: 'I forgot to mention that it's a pitch-black dark cave.'

[Roleplay] He started eating...smiling at the same time...he thought of her, of what she liked and it made him happy...

[Roleplay] The girl smiled, and laid there silently, listening to the world outside the cave.

[Roleplay] He quickly finished eating and laid on his back smiling...he stared at the sky..."...what a beautiful world...I'm sure you would have loved it here..."

[Roleplay] The girl let her thoughts travel, but was quickly snapped into reality when she heard someone say something about a fellow who killed a few forest-people. It was one chipmunk to a squirrel. The girl listened it but tried to not be impolite about it.

[Roleplay] Kagomaru fell asleep thinking about her...he missed her but also knew that she was never truly gone as long as he held her close to his heart and never forgot her.

[Roleplay] A bird flew in to the conversation outside. To the best she could hear the guy was sulking about something and talking to himself. The girl wondered if her disappearance had spooked him.

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PostPosted: March 12th, 2007, 5:57 am 
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Kagomaru got up after a couple of hours...He had the rest he needed,and it was time to move on...He picked his pack up and started walking towards the setting sun...This forest seemed rather strange he thought...seemed as if all the animals where following him,observing him...

He grinned rather amused at the irony of it...and to think he's usually the one that does the observing...Maybe it had to do with that strange girl he met earlier...and his thoughts flew once more towards the one he cared about.

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 13th, 2007, 5:02 am 
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The girl took a deep breath, streached, and crawed out. Her eyes took a few minutes to adjust to the light, but the light was dim-- the sun was sinking in the sky. The girl sat at the entrance to the cave then laid back looking up, and wondered why sometimes it seemed that only she could her the birds, squirrels, and other near-by voices. Her eyes turned to look at a few birds, she hated to listen in because it was rude, but they all seemed to know so much more than herself. The girl sat up and climbed to her feet, stretching her legs. This time she pointedly looked at the birds chatting away, so that they knew she was intruding. One bird spoke of the guy as on the virge of tears, another, who recently flew in, laughed about a traveler who seemed scared of the trees. The three birds began to argue about wether or not it was the same guy, ignoreing the girl, she smiled at thier quabble and started to quietly walk in the direction the newer bird seemed to have come from. The way she figured it, the strange traveler must have slowly walked into this direction for the news to have traveled so fast. Lightly, almost soundlessly, the shadowed girl made her way though the forest.

Just out of visual range of the tree the three birds had been on the girl stopped. What did she care about this stranger? Yes it was rare someone new 'visited' but even if she followed him soley for something to do... what if she when too far and then he noticed her? He seemed to draw his weapon even for a twig that didn't fall right. Yes he was strange in his ways but what did it matter? She giggled and ran to her left, almost impulsively, and tried to run up a tree. She fell, grined, and ran the oppisite way to another. This time she had almost grabbed a low branch, but missed and tore her right sleeve as she came down. Ingoring, or not realizing the small rip in the loose sleeve she ran (like a playful child) to about the area with the dirt spot. She looked around for it, shrugged and climbed a short tree with small, low branches.

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PostPosted: March 13th, 2007, 11:31 am 
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More noises stirred the forest's stillness...Kagomaru was uneasy..the setting sun had a tranquil effect but something was amiss to say the least...After a few more steps the bandits that once threatened Kagomaru and that strange little girl surrounded him...

Bandit leader:"No escape this time!"
Kagomaru: I had enough of fighting...leave me be!
Bandit leader:Not after killing one of ours...Get'em boys!
Kagomaru:I'll not brake a promise for the likes of you !

The battle quickly followed.The bandits relentlessly attacked but all Kagomaru seemed to do is block and dodge,not even unsheathing his sword.They began attacking ever-more concentrated...finally once of the bandits managed to land a shot,stabbing Kagomaru in the shoulder with his blade.

They quickly withdrew,as they saw Kagomaru knell...He dropped his blade,gripped the hilt of the bandit's sword and removed it from his shoulder...He rouse to his feet,eyes a vortex of blue and green,mist starting to materialize around him,mist that stared humming,humming that turned to whispers...whispers that turned to screams of horror and pain...The mist turned to bluish flame that engulfed Kagomaru...

In the blink of an eye,he rose to his feet and started pummeling the bandits,attacking relentlessly,as if he never got hit at all...After the first three bell to the ground unconscious the rest fled in horror...

The mist slowly vanished and his eyes became normal once more..."I won't brake my promise..."he muttered in a very low,soft voice..."...for your sake,i'll do what i can to redeem my past sins..."

And he continued walking towards the setting sun.

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 13th, 2007, 3:24 pm 
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Joined: February 18th, 2007, 11:16 pm
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((Very well written! For me to give it a proper reponce I'll need more time than I have right now, I'll edit this post later.)))

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PostPosted: March 13th, 2007, 6:13 pm 
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((Thanks allot...i only respond to someone who has impressed me equally over the course of this RP,and take your time))

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 13th, 2007, 9:26 pm 
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sory if this messes you guys up or somthing but this is an awsome rp i look forwerd to logging in and reading throughout the week keep it up it is ver very good :mrgreen:

tommarow will never come, for you because i shall kill you today

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PostPosted: March 13th, 2007, 11:34 pm 
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((Tatakai-No, it doesn't and thank you for the support!)))

A crunch of breaking wood, the girl sat still wondering what was approching. The branch from under her quaked, shestood and lept off of the branch, grabing a branch above. The force of her jump caused the branch to fall, she watched it land with a crach before swinging from the branch she now ung from and landed on the ground on both her feet and her left hand. She looked over at the fallen branch as she stood up, then looked up at the splinters in the tree's trunk. She looked around as she dusted herself off.

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PostPosted: March 14th, 2007, 5:59 pm 
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Kagomaru heard a noise somewhere behind him in the forest but continued moving...As the sun slowly sinked deeper and deeper behind the hills in the distance he started thinking to set up camp and call it a day...Battles always drained him...especially when he tried his best to avoid them.

He stopped in a clearing,gathered some wood and started a fire near a large tree and some old,hollowed trunks.Looking up at the sky a sense of loss,of longing sized him...he once more thought of her...

He felt as if he was in a dream...always on the verge of waking up...when the woke he found himself in another was a circle he seemed to be unable to troubled him,this sense of helplessness...He had power but grew cold and distant because of it once...cold and distant from what he should have held in the highest regard...she changed that...a smile was all it took,one look at it and he could never be cold or cruel to someone again...

He sighed filled with time changes the soul..." is to you that i owe my freedom...if only it wouldn't have came at such a high price...but i'll never rest before i find you once more..."and his eyes shifted to from the fire to the stars above...they seemed like diamonds,like her eyes when she smiled... How he missed that smile,that calm innocent look...

He slowly drifted into dreams once more...dreams of past and present...and perhaps of a bright future...the only thought that lingered in his mind was "I will see you matter what!",and so he slept...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 14th, 2007, 10:17 pm 
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The girl shrugged. The dirt circle nor the stranger were easy to spot from where she stood. She began to run around and play, she tripped over her cloak over a log but it barely caused her to pause in her play. She giggled and snuck up on birds, causing them to take flight then chirp around her head in annoyance. She pretended to try to catch them like fireflies but the birds skillfully dodged her small hands. Soon the birds started the leave and the girl grew tired of the game and ran, leaped, and jumped around the forest. The sky started to grow dark but the girl either didn't notice or care. She saw a few fireflies in a group and tried to see how many she could hold at once. She laughed as they escaped, tickling her hand. The flies tired of this and left, the girl fell to her back and sighed happily. It was now that she noticed it had gotten dark.

After a few minutes it was truly getting dark, the girl sat up and closed her eyes. She seemed to be meditating but she was really just eavesdropping on anyone nearby. It sounded as it everyone had or was in the process of going to bed. The creatures that slept during the day were not even beginning to wake up yet. Climbing to her feet the girl started to walk around, just looking at everything around her. She paused, something was out of place, different; something wasn’t right. She headed in the direction that her feeling pointed her to, she was silent and her black robes practically made her invisible. A few yards in the direction and she froze, now she could smell something... something that made her blood seem to curl... something beyond evil, but familiar in a faint way. She slowly stepped forward once, and she knew what it was. Something in her head growled, and memory of a friend told her to run away, but the girl stayed. She knelt down and looked, she was right, there was a soft flickering glow up ahead.

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PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 1:18 am 
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((Mind if you go again?My char is kinda sleeping atm...i'll wake up after your next post,f that's ok with you...just im me if you have a different idea on it))

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 1:47 am 
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((No problem, just thought you might want to have noticed something.)))

The smell, it tore at her being. She didn't know why, but she feared it greatly, but it also angered her. As the girl's conscious fought to stay in control she identified the sent, smoke from a smoldering wood fire. She didn't understand why it was practically programmed into her very being to despise the source of the smoke, and any person near it. She took a deep breath, ‘I don’t care about the fear, I don’t have reason to fear it’s source, I won’t let it control me’ the girl thought to herself. She took a few steps forward before she noticed the trees seemed to be farther apart, the closer she got the denser the smoke but the brighter the flickering glow seemed to get. Holding a sleeve over her face she took three more steps, right, left, right, then had her left foot meet next to her right. She felt her way behind a tree and looked toward the fire, it was low and almost completely ash but it dimly lit a clearing.
Tip-toeing the girl went up to the next tree the quietly laid down on her belly hiding all but her head with the base of the tree. Something was in the clearing, a lump that blocked the light from reaching the trees on that side of the clearing, however the shadows of the trees were still slightly visible. The night creatures had already begun to awaken and the area was soon filled with crickets, night birds(including owls), the sound of bat wings, and of the night’s hunt. The girl started to watch the fire, for she knew what it was but somehow it seemed unfamiliar, and she couldn’t place her initial feelings towards it when she first noticed it. The instincts that had threaten to force her to run away, without care or caution.

((Mind describing how the clearing appeared... like the stuff you had or how you slept?)))

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PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 2:02 am 
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As Kagomaru slumbered and dreamed,he dreamed of very clearing he was in...A place surrounded by some treas with the sound of running water that came from somewhere near...he saw the logs agents which he was lying,and the tree that towered above his head and gave him shelter while he slumbered.The grass was long and it felt like a carpet under his was a beautiful place.He felt the cool wind ageist his cheek...and he also felt someone was behind him...

He turned around and gasped...It was her...He ran up to embrace her...he could smell her,almost feel her in his arms,but as he got closer she got further away,and so he kept running calling out her name...

Apparition:"It is not yet time my love...sleep...your journey will be hard,but you'll pull through it all...I'm always thinking about you...We'll be together soon my love!"

Kagomaru:"I'll never rest till i find you!"

Kagomaru tossed a bit in his sleep but soon settled down once more in a deep dreamless slumber...

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

Last edited by Kagomaru on March 15th, 2007, 6:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 2:12 am 
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Joined: February 18th, 2007, 11:16 pm
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((Wow, that was a very creative and well done description! "Then the" Did you not complete the post though?)))

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PostPosted: March 15th, 2007, 6:51 am 
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Joined: September 21st, 2006, 6:10 am
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((Thanks...the post was finished,that was just something i forgot to take out.I'm loving this RP!!))

"Would you choose supremacy, if it led to isolation?Could you handle the solitude?Would you still prefer the throne?"

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