We could 'edit' tags for commands like sleep and afk.
EX(underline=tag): Entered text: sleep sits down, streches, and curls up in a ball. Gradually Hakuri's eyes close and she drifts off to sleep. Shown: Hakuri sits down, streches, and curls up in a ball. Gradually Hakuri's eyes close and she drifts off to sleep.
I would see the same as everyone else because If I saw 'You sits down, streches, and curls up in a ball. Gradually Hakuri's eyes close and she drifts off to sleep.' I would be tempted to next time put 'sit' and it would look like to others: Hakuri sit down, strech, and curl up in a ball. Gradually Hakuri's eyes close and she drifts off to sleep. Not too tidy is it?
This would allow for a more RP-friendly enviroment, be fun and make the MUD feel more unique.
I'm not a coder so I would completly understand if the coding wouldn't be worth it.
Other commands that could use this: rest wake sit say [(like: say requests 'A duel with ____.')Definatly more difficult and likly too complicated though] drink ____ (<name> drinks _____ hungerly.)
P.S. Why can't you 'punch demon' or someother attack to start the fight?