Bleached InuYasha Galaxy

New shard embed spot
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Author:  Hakuri [ February 23rd, 2007, 3:37 am ]
Post subject:  New shard embed spot

I saw the IY episode "The giant odre of the forbidden tower" (2004) and noticed what Kagura described as the best use of the jewel(whole except for three shards).

Subaki(sp?), dark prestess, put the jewel (all but 3 shards) in her right eye, absorbed the ogre(a demon) and gained it's power(including strength) and parts of it's appearance. (The new being wore Subaki's items magically grown to fit the enourmus ogre, and the new form had her hair. The new form was Subaki's control.)

Subaki was once Kikyo's match. She was passed over by Kikyo to guard the whole jewel before it was shattered.

I'm suggesting a jewel/shard spot for the eye, it would be the abillity to absorb demons and use thier powers (and body, ex: small demon, user chooses to shrink apon transformation, user can dodge arrows and weapons better and be harder to see, attacks that are big like windscar would almost always hit if they were preformed successfully;ex2: tall demon would give father distance surving).

I'm thinking that either an eye slot and a forehead slot or right eye and left eye slots. The right eye/eye slot would hold shards for the above idea. The left or forehead improved vision/infred/better distance scan/survey.
Perhaps the number of shards in the r eye/eye would dictate how powerfull a demon you can absorb maximum? Maybe a minimum number of shards requirement?
For the left eye/forehead impoved vision quality, farther distance vison and with 5 or more shards in the spot you get infered?

PS a few episodes before this one the priestess used Kagome's shards and a snake thing (can't spell) to curse her... If current dark preistesses/preists can't do this see if you can get it in?

Author:  Kagomaru [ February 23rd, 2007, 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

This is all fine and dandy except for the fact that it would take allot of programming to do.But i agree,it would be a very interesting trait to be implemented,perhaps upon beta or something in the like.Maybe to be used as gain of completing the Shinkon No Tamma and asking for a wish...I dunno,i like the idea.

Or if indeed you where to embed shards in the eye to absorb demons and MOBs and such,maybe the number of shards would determine the level of mob you could absorb...The absorption would yield exp equal to the monster's total health...sharded monsters would give only base health and Bosses/unique mobs would be harder to absorb and thus require a greater number of shards...Anyway,that's my 2 cents of the idea.Of course.players would be unaffected by this ...that is unless you have other opinions on that.

P.S. In order to absorb a MOB you would first have to kill it.

Author:  Tatakai [ February 23rd, 2007, 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

this is pretty cool but what about theshards in head for int i think they would have to change to many things for this to work but it is a cool idea

Author:  Hakuri [ February 23rd, 2007, 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

>Subaki didn't and likely couldn't kill the ogre.
>I also dislike the idea of needing a whole jewel seeing as she was missing 3 shards.
>The more shards the higher the monster to absorb souds reasonable.
>Though absobing Youkai players would be amusing it's impractical. I say we just say player Youkai either don't work because they aren't tempted by the jewel-3's power.
>There would have to be a fail rate of some sort. Perhaps some mobs would just not be tempted by the jewel/shards? The fail rate really shouldn't be random. If a mob isn't interested in power they just aren't, If they are they are.
right eye
left eye


After the current players are used to the new slots there shouldn't be a problem.

>Zeno, please edit the title of this thread to include '***spoilers***'

>I'm not a coder so I wouldn't know. If it's too much I'd understand if it were dismissed but I just thought that by Kaguara's description of the placement it was important.
>It's hard to tell if any accual stat boosts were given from the shard besides the ogre's powers, but InuYasha just chopped the ogre arms and legs so that the ogre part of her form disolved. The demonpower keeping her young also disappeared and the jewel peice kept her young/alive untill Naraku's insect took the jewel piece from her eye.

Author:  Ryo [ February 23rd, 2007, 4:26 pm ]
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First off the episodes in question are filler episodes. IY is littered with fillers all over the place. We have decided to use some of these fillers in the mud. A key example of this would be Panther Valley. However I do not see us putting in this ability for other reasons as well. Tsubaki used a near complete jewel. We have already thought about and after looking into just how annoying it is to do have rejected the idea of having the abilty to embed or attach partial or full jewels. It just is far to much to have done. But there is a possibility perhaps once we get to limiting how many shards you can embed into your limbs to put in special bonuses for having X number of shards in Y body part in addition to the generic bonus you get. That I can see happening and I can even see the creation of special abilities only useable while X shards are in Y limb.

Author:  Hakuri [ February 23rd, 2007, 6:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

So then just say for this to work you need 10 r eye shards, and more allows for more-powerful absorbable mobs.

Author:  Xero [ March 5th, 2007, 12:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

lets make a note that even if you were able to embed in the eye you would A) most likely be blinded by this process and B) could only fit at most 3 shards in the eye. for a bit of realism. cause i could not see any one person stabbing themselves in the eye with a shard.

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